How to Time a Beveling Machine

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Timing a saddle type beveling machine refers to the two # 9 pinion gears turning in unison and properly orientated to engage the ring gear assembly.  This allows the ring gear assembly to smoothly transition from one #9 pinion gear to the other while jumping the open spot in the ring gear assembly. This facilitates a seamless 360 degree rotation of the ring gear assembly during the cutting process.

When the #9 Pinions are not turning in unison the rotation of the ring gear can be interrupted due to the #9 pinion gear hitting tooth to tooth on the ring gear. This stops the ring gear from turning and interrupts the cutting process

Prior to performing this procedure please locate and print the appropriate parts break down for your machine

The following procedure can be used to re-time a machine in the field:

1. Check part # 12A top roller chain to see if it is loose, if so proceed loosen and then snug the three bolts securing part #17 single bearing bracket.  Two bolts on the # 17 single bearing bracket and one that secures the lifting handle. Loosening and then slightly tightening these bolts will allow you to take a rawhide hammer and bump the single bearing bracket until the top roller chain is tight. Once this has been accomplished tighten and proceed with step 2.

Note: Top roller chain should have the same tightness on both top and bottom portions of the chain.

2. Hand crank the ring gear part # 2A3&4 in a counter clockwise motion until it no longer is engaging the #9 pinion gear located on the #17 single bearing bracket.   Once this is done locate the chain sprocket part # 14 on the opposite side of the #9 pinion gear (Note: The #9 pinion gear and the #14 sprocket share the same gear axle). The sprocket has two set screws securing it to the gear axle.    By loosing the two set screws, the #9 pinion and gear axle can be rotated.   A pair of pliers may be required to rotate the #9 pinion and gear axle.   If so cover the #9 pinion with a rag to protect against damaging the #9 pinion gear.   Slowly hand crank the ring gear in a clockwise motion towards # 9 pinion manually lining up the teeth on part # 9 pinion gear with the teeth on ring gear assembly.
Note: Check to make sure the #9 pinion gear is not bottomed out in the teeth of the ring gear.  If so you will need to raise #17 single bearing bracket up slightly and then tighten the 12A chain by reversing the above procedure and bumping the #18 double bearing bracket to tighten the 12A chain and then return to the #17 and re-time if necessary.

Note: In some cases part # 12A top roller chain may stretch over time and need to be replaced prior to performing this procedure

H&M – Timing the drive gears on an H & M Model 0, 1 or 2

Video “How to Time a Beveling Machine”