4 Wheel Heavy Duty Motorized Beveling Machine Head

New 4 Wheel Heavy Duty Motorized Beveling Machine Head
Easily portable at only 20 lbs.
- Constructed of cast aluminum.
- 4 wheels ride directly on stainless bands
- 4 wheels allow cut to be unaffected by weld seam in pipe
- Machine sits level on stainless bands, no adjustment needed
Works with all H & M stainless bands
- 220 Volt Optional
- Machine can be used in both vertical or horizontal positions
- Variable speed control box with forward & reverse capabilities
- Standard 90-volt DC mtor
- Speed ranges – 2 ipm to 75 ipm
- Plsma speeds optional
Easy one-man setup and operation
- Stainless steel bands provide a cutting range of 10″ to 96″ pipe
- Special bands are available to cut pipe diameters up to 20 feet